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Sahhira (The Gypsy Witch), asked to be adopted because she needed a venue where she could do biker-bellydancing, or Rak and Roll. The Typsy Gypsys provide Sahhira with a venue to dance her dark-side. After more than 20 years bellydancing & 10+ years with The Typsy Gypsys, she is still a dynamic and alluring soloist and an entertaining and complimentary troupe asset. Sometimes, she's none of those things but just downright comical and/or ruffles feathers. Sahhira is on the Austin Bellydance Association's Board, a regular guest performer at Z-Helene's & Rick Fink's last-Saturday-of-the-month Kick Butt Coffee Show, a core member of the Hands of Fatima at Sherwood Forest Faire, performs with Joined at the Hip's informal performance group-CuppaTea, and performs as a member of Liora's Mayura Blue performance group, and is the proprietor of Sahhira's Souk (SM) & Gypsy Witch Productions (SM).

Liora is the newest addition to the troupe, arriving from Atlanta, GA in 2009 where she taught and performed for several years. She performs both as a soloist and as a member of the Typsy Gypsys; designs, sews, and repairs costumes; and teaches weekly classes in NW Austin. Additionally, Liora is the Editor of the Austin Bellydance Association's Newsletter, "OPA!", and is a core member of the Hands of Fatima at Sherwood Forest Faire. Liora is also the Director of the new performance group, Mayura Blue!

Around Beltane in the year of the Goddess 2008, Josephine got tired of working on the farm and decided the glamorous life of a Typsy Gypsy sounded much more appealing. Josephine is a former member of Troupe Eshta! and is a perfect addition to the Typsy Gypsys! Josephine, too, is off on an exciting life quest to Colorado! We wish her the very best in this next leg of her journey!

As the former director of troupe Eshta! and as a protegé of Z-Helene, Sonya came to us as a seasoned, vibrant performer. Sonya was a regular guest performer with the Hands of Fatima at Sherwood Forest Faire and at Kick Butt Bellydance at Kick Butt Coffee the last Saturday of each month, plus the Gypsy addition to Raks Helwa that dances monthly. Sonya has moved to North Carolina but we just aren't ready to take her off this site. We wish her the very best in following her dream!

In Memory of NemSerAte'
November 5, 1965 - September 30, 2009
Our Sister in Dance
She Dances on in Spirit and in our Hearts
November 5, 1965 - September 30, 2009
Our Sister in Dance
She Dances on in Spirit and in our Hearts